Body: Brass
Saddles: "V-PLUS", Brass (optional: Stainless Steel)
Intonation Screws: Brass (optional: Stainless Steel, Titanium)
Thumbwheel: Brass
Thumbwheel Post: Brass
Nickel: authentic electrolytic high-gloss Nickel plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)
Gold: 24k true gold plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)
Black: black chrom plating. high gloss
All strings naturally have a perfect, safe and tight contact surface to the saddles and create a perfect fusion to the bridge and hence to the guitar body. Great tone and tuning stability guaranteed.
This bridge regularly comes with Nickel- , Chrome plated V-Saddles made of Brass. To meet your functional or tonal needs even more, you are invited to choose from diverse materials or coatings optionally.
The deep smart designed V-grooves just have the right fitting for all string gauges. No matter if you prefer very light, extremely heavy or mixed sets of strings, the V-saddles take them all.
This also makes them ideal for players who want to try or change different string gauges from time to time.
Good news! Even the most extreme bendings are no longer a risk for detuning and breaking strings!
The perfectly rounded, low friction contact area prevents your strings from sticking and guarantees a perfect back and forth sliding.
The V-PLUS Saddles are coated with an extra hardened electroless Nickel layer, which has comparable lubrication and hardness properties like hard chrome, but with significant better layer characteristics inside the notch itself.
For an ultimate experience and durability, you can furthermore choose an extra DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) layer on top, wich provides the most advanced technology in terms of hardness and long-term lubrication available.
Real vintage tone
Body: ZAMAC, milled from block
Saddles: "V-PLUS", Brass (optional: Stainless Steel)
Intonation Screws: Brass (optional: Stainless Steel, Titanium)
Thumbwheel: Brass
Thumbwheel Post: Brass
Nickel: authentic electrolytic high-gloss Nickel plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)
Gold: 24k true gold plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)
Black: black chrom plating. high gloss
... Man unterschätze in dieser Hinsicht
den Einfluss von Bridge und Tailpiece nicht.
Wie sie in Kombination den Ton transportieren
und schwingen lassen hat enormen Einfluss auf die Qualität und Farbe desselben.
Bei der Cardinal ist mit der KMS „One“ eine optimierte Tune-o-Matic-Bridge verbaut, die offenbar für allerbesten Tontransport auf Augenhöhe mit dem ausgesprochen kundig gebauten Instrument sorgt."
"... Akustik: Schon den ersten Akkorden nachgelauscht, tun sich Welten auf, erschließt sich etwas Besonderes. Dieses elegante Abrollen, das harmonische Ineinandergreifen der Stimmen, die
farbstarke Obertonentfaltung im ebenmäßigen Schwingverlauf: fabelhaft! ...
Franz Holtmann (gitarre & bass 12/20)
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