ONE 50 - Brass

ONE 50  Brass
Brass is a copper-zinc alloy. The use of Brass has a long history in instrument making due to malleable properties and excellent acoustic characteristics. 
In terms of tonality, it can be seen as the most versatile material and can help bringing even a plain and dull sounding instrument to life.


    • rich, vibrant and lively sound 
    • balanced, very harmonic overtones
    • very colorfull, clear and lasting sustain
    • increased transparency and string separation


    Body: Brass

    Saddles: Brass (optional: Stainless Steel)

    Intonation Screws: Brass (optional: Stainless Steel, Titanium)

    Thumbwheel: Brass

    Thumbwheel Post: Brass


    Nickel: authentic electrolytic high-gloss Nickel plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)

    Gold: 24k true gold plating, high gloss or with authentic patina (aged)

    Black: black chrom plating. high gloss


    • Body size: 85 x 11 x 11mm (total hight with installed saddles = 14mm)
    • Post spacing: 74mm (2-29/32")
    • String spacing: 10,4mm / 52mm (e - E)
    • Fretboard radius: 12"
    • Weight: 65g
    • Threads: Intonation screws 4-40 UNC, thumbwheel and posts 6-32 UNC or M4

    Unnotched saddles (Fat Flat 50s) are provided as standard. Pre-notching can be ordered optionally. 

FAT-FLAT 50s Saddles

R=12“ P r ecis e , a c cu r a t e alignme n t du t o e x clusi v e cus t om c om p one n ts C i r clip 1,5 mm sp r ing s t eel I n t on a tion S c r e w 4/40 UNC m a t e r ials and pl a tings F a t - F l a t 50s S addles 74 mm (2-29/32“) 52 mm 10.4 mm due t o v e r y small milling r adiuses and m a t ching saddle c o r ners I nc r eased R ange of I n t on a tion F a t- F l a t 50s S addles T hum b wheel and p ost

    The „ONE 50“ comes with Fat-Flat 50s Saddles which have a larger string contact area and more mass like Gibson ®ABR-1® saddles originally had in the 50s.

    The increased string to saddle impact creates an overall bigger tone and you will profit from raising sustain.


    Brass saddles are provided as standard and can be considered as the first choice in most cases.

    To form your tone in an even more specific direction, you are invited to choose from diverse materials or coatings optionally.

    Pre-notching can be ordered optionally.

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